Back lane Numbering Project
Please be aware that By-Law Enforcement Services requires that all addresses have a have back lane number installed. If you do not have a number address installed you may get a warning or a fine up to $500. 2017-2018 project
July 14 LOUISE BRIDGE DISTRICT WALKING TOUR at 1 PM – Start at West end of Ernie O’Dowda Park
LOUISE BRIDGE DISTRICT WALKING TOUR We would love you to join us for a guided walk in this historic neighbourhood. The walk will start with the 2013 Disraeli Pedestrian Bridge, a walk through the 1987 named Ernie O’Dowda Park by the river’s edge, the current 1911 Louise Bridge, a history of the Red River, the 1880 J.Y. Griffin…
2017 Exterior Home Fix-up Grants Applications Available!
Apply here: