Housing Resources
Money Foundations Certificate program including
- Budgeting Basics
- Expense Tracking
- Saving Strategies
- Ways to Improve Your Credit
- Rental Scams
To get your free certificate to show to landlords or property managers, go to https://nomoredebts.org/partner/chalmers-renewal
Rent Assist to help with paying rent
Apply at Application Form for Rent Assist (gov.mb.ca)
Manitoba Rent Relief Fund (no-interest loan of up to $2,500 to help with late rent or utility payments)Apply at Manitoba Rent Relief Fund: Loan Application (17) (Page 1 of 6) (office.com)
If you require assistance with filling out the application please email or call communityfinancialhelpline@seedwinnipeg.ca at 431-813-4357 (toll-free)
Canada Manitoba Housing Benefit (of up to $350 per month for rent and up to $72 for utilities)
To apply for the homelessness stream of the CMHB you can download an application form or call End Homelessness Winnipeg at 204-915-6940 to have an application form mailed to you.
Apply at Canada-Manitoba Housing Benefit Homelessness Stream Application Form in PDF format (gov.mb.ca)
Manitoba Housing for subsidized housing
Apply at Manitoba Housing – Social Housing Rental Program Application Form in PDF format (gov.mb.ca)
Winnipeg Housing for subsidized housing. Apply at WHRCApplication2019.pdf
SAM Management – Rent Geared to Income Housing. Apply at SAMApplication.pdf
Manitoba Metis Federation Home Enhancement Loan Program for up to $18,000 forgivable loan for home repairs
Who is eligible? Home Enhancement Loan Program (HELP) | Manitoba Métis Federation (mmf.mb.ca)Apply at mmf_help__application_11_2021.pdf
Graffiti Removal – free removal by the City of Winnipeg for one year from date of application. Apply at GraffitiWaiverENG.pdf (winnipeg.ca)or contact 311@winnipeg.ca
Safer Communities: Province of Manitoba | justice – The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act (gov.mb.ca)
The Province of Manitoba has a new law to make communities and neighborhoods safer. It works by holding property owners accountable for threatening or disturbing activities that regularly take place on their property related to drugs, prostitution, unlawful sale of liquor, sexual abuse, possession of unlawful firearms, and/or criminal activity. Call 204.945.3475 to report ongoing criminal activity. Any reports are anonymous.
Getting Around
TONS – Transportation Options Network for Seniors Microsoft Word – Transportation Options List 2018.docx (tonsmb.org)
Accessible Transit InformationAccessible Transit Information – TONS (tonsmb.org)
WINNpass: Application for lower-income adult monthly transit pass for 50% of those who is eligible? WINNpass (winnipegtransit.com)Apply at Winnipeg Transit WINNpass
Winnipeg Transit Plus (Used to be Handi-Transit): Click here to apply
Government benefits can help put more money in your pocket. Find out what you can qualify for at Home – Benefits Wayfinder
Saving Circle to save up to $1,000 toward purchasing an assetSaving Circle – SEED Winnipeg
Individual Development Account to save up to $3,000 toward purchasing an asset
Basic Needs
Winnipeg Outreach Network for shelter, clothing, meals, crisis services, drop-ins, and more 20201212-WON-GUIDE-1.pdf (endhomelessnesswinnipeg.ca)
Services & Supports – End Homelessness Winnipeg
202111-Housing-Resources.pdf (endhomelessnesswinnipeg.ca)
Better Days Wellness Foundation for crisis support
Resources — Better Days Wellness Foundation (betterdayswf.com)
After the Fire
AFTER THE FIRE ,returning to normal (winnipeg.ca)