Success to (1st ever) Elmwood Farmers Market
Hello to all,
For those in attendance and those unable to be there last Saturday morning, the 1st ever Market Garden Experience in Elmwood was a huge success!!
As you can see from the picture, many people were there in line (7:45am) at Kildonan MCC Thrift Shop waiting for the veggie trucks to be unloaded!
All in all, it was a great bit of fun and the vendors wanted to come back again this week so u will note from the attached poster that we will be “back by popular demand” again this Saturday.
Some of us are not able to attend this Saturday due to other commitments so we are looking for helpers with things like setup/takedown, supporting the registration desk and maybe helping out with the bbq.
If you could spare anytime in the 8:30am to 1:30pm window this Saturday morning, please let us know…whether it is an hour or two or the entire shift, we could use the help.
Short notice request that is for sure but the response was so great that we couldn’t resist the offer to run this event one more time in 2014!!
Please connect with Dale (asap) if this might be a possibility for you to be involved as a community support.
Dale (204)794-4246
Tech Personnel