• (204) 669-0750
  • info@chalmersrenewal.org
  • 180 Poplar Avenue, Winnipeg MB R2L 2C3

Safety, recreation and services in the Chalmers Neighbourhood

Thanks to everyone who participated in over 20 community input sessions in March and April to provide feedback and contribute to a plan for renewal for our neighbourhood. Safety, recreation and community services are just some of the priorities we heard from community members over the past two months. We are now working through all of that great information to…

This Week: Youth, Business Community Input Sessions

There are five more community input sessions scheduled as part of this phase of consultation on the Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal plan. This week’s sessions are focused on youth, hosted with Elmwood High, and business perspectives. View a list of community input sessions and details on what to expect. Find out more about the Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Plan & Implementation process.